THE BODY AS A HOUSE: The Scaffolding + Archetypes of Kotonah Yoga

THE BODY AS A HOUSE: The Scaffolding + Archetypes of Kotonah Yoga


Saturday, December 7th, 1-4pm

With Danielle Rosati

Katonah Yoga® is a syncretic Hatha yoga practice developed by Nevine Michaan over 40 years. She and her teachers incorporate classical Hatha yoga with Taoist theory, geometry, magic, mythology, metaphor, and imagination — in a practical framework designed to potentiate personal and communal well-being. Themes using asana as origami, manipulating form for function, and developing a sense of personal measure are incorporated in Katonah Yoga practices. Katonah Yoga is organized around three principles of esoteric dialogue: all polarities are mediated by trinity; the universe has pattern, pattern implies intelligence; by virtue of repetition there is potential for insight.


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